Educational practices

The educational practice of this Bachelor’s Degree is a space for reflection-action and research training with a critical perspective from  pedagogical and educational knowledge and practices. The praxis and degree work are developed from the first to the tenth semester with a theoretical-practical nature.

Through the different practicum experiences, students could interact within diverse educational environments, both formal and informal, including vocational and occupational training, specialized, and urban and rural contexts that serve people with disabilities and/or exceptional talents and abilities across their lifespan (from childhood to old age).

The training program and study program are interconnected in these settings through questions that emerge from the experience of being teachers interacting with education subjects. These questions are accompanied by interdisciplinary and management dynamics by linking theory and practice.

The path of research training intertwines with the research groups established by research faculty members of the Bachelor’s Degree program to contribute to the field of Special Education and shape the graduate profile of the program.

The ongoing processes are examined and disseminated through biannual practice meetings, where trainee teachers, practice advisors, and representatives from educational institutions and stakeholders in the practice settings come together to share insights and experiences.

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